
CHESS VS POVERTY – comrades chess

Our Classes


You can book an online or physical class for yourself or your child. At Comrades Chess, We delight in meeting new students. 

Where did the game of chess come from?

The chess game we know and love today has a rich and long history, tracing its roots back to India around the 6th century AD. The earliest known ancestor of chess was called chaturanga, which translates to "four-limbed army" and reflected the four branches of the Gupta Empire's military: infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. While chaturanga differed in some key ways from modern chess (namely, the movement of certain pieces and the win condition), the core strategic elements were already present. Over time, the game evolved as it spread across Asia and the Middle East, adopting the name shatranj in Persia and evolving further into its more recognizable form. Here's a timeline of chess's fascinating journey: 6th century AD: Chaturanga emerges in India. 10th-11th century AD: Shatranj flourishes in Persia, with the earliest recorded games. 10th-15th century AD: Chess spreads to the Arab world, Europe, and beyond, further evolving its rules and gameplay. 15th-19th century AD: Modern chess rules take shape, including the queen's enhanced movement and castling. 19th-20th century AD: The game explodes in popularity, leading to organized tournaments, professional players, and international federations. Today, chess continues to captivate minds worldwide, enjoyed by casual players and grandmasters alike. Its deep strategic layers, endless possibilities, and rich history make it a truly remarkable game. So, the next time you sit down for a chess match, remember its impressive journey from its ancient Indian roots to becoming a global phenomenon!

How does the game of chess help a person?

Cognitive benefits:

  • Sharpened thinking skills: Chess demands strategic planning, critical thinking, and problem-solving at every turn. You constantly analyze the board, anticipate your opponent's moves, and weigh different options before making a decision. This mental exercise strengthens cognitive muscles like memory, concentration, and pattern recognition.
  • Improved decision-making: With limited information and countless possibilities, chess forces you to analyze situations carefully, evaluate risks and rewards, and make calculated decisions. This translates to better decision-making in other areas of life as well.
  • Enhanced creativity: While chess has rules and strategies, it also leaves room for creative thinking. Exploring unexpected moves, finding hidden patterns, and devising original tactics can spark your creative instincts and problem-solving skills.
  • Brain boost: Studies suggest that playing chess can improve cognitive function, particularly in older adults. It may help delay cognitive decline and protect against the development of dementia, keeping your mind sharp and agile.

How long does it take to learn the game of chess?

The length of a chess game can vary greatly depending on several factors, but here's a breakdown:

Casual Games:

  • Typically last 10 to 60 minutes.
  • Players usually have no strict time limits and take their time considering moves.
  • Ideal for beginners or relaxing sessions.

Tournament Games:

  • Can range from 10 minutes (fast chess) to 6 hours or more (classical chess), depending on the time control.
  • Time control refers to the amount of time each player has to make all their moves.
  • Some common time controls:
    • Classical: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 30 seconds per move.
    • Rapid: 10-25 minutes per player for the entire game.
    • Blitz: 1-5 minutes per player for the entire game.

Other Factors:

  • Skill level: Beginners' games tend to be shorter as they take longer to plan their moves.
  • Playing style: Aggressive players may finish games faster than those who favor methodical tactics.
  • Game complexity: Some openings and middlegames can lead to longer games with intricate maneuvers.

So, to answer your question directly, a chess game can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours, depending on the chosen format and individual factors.

At what age can a person learn chess?

.The good news is there's no one-size-fits-all answer to "at what age can a person learn chess!" People of all ages, from young children to senior citizens, can successfully learn and enjoy this fantastic game.

Here's a breakdown of different age groups and their potential for learning chess:

Young Children (3-5 years old):

  • They can start recognizing and manipulating pieces through playful introductions using simplified rules or themed chess sets.
  • Focus on building interest and fostering positive associations with the game.

Early Elementary Age (6-8 years old):

  • Most children at this age have the cognitive abilities to grasp the basic rules and piece movements.
  • Simplified introductions or beginner-friendly apps can help pique their interest and teach them core concepts.

Later Elementary and Middle School Age (9-14 years old):

  • This is a prime age for learning deeper strategy and tactics.
  • They can participate in formal chess classes, clubs, or online resources to refine their skills.
  • Tournaments are a great way to test their progress and build competitive spirit.

Teenagers and Adults (15+ years old):

  • Anyone at any age can pick up chess and learn at their own pace.
  • Resources like books, online platforms, and coaching can cater to different learning styles and goals.
  • Joining chess clubs or communities can provide opportunities for practice and social interaction.

Ultimately, the best age to learn chess depends on individual factors like:

  • Cognitive development: Some children learn abstract concepts earlier than others.
  • Interest and motivation: A genuine interest in the game will fuel the learning process.
  • Learning style: Visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners may require different approaches.
Remember, the most important thing is to make the learning experience enjoyable and positive. Keep it relaxed, focus on understanding over perfect moves, and celebrate progress along the way.

How can i support Comrades Chess?

We are impressed by your desire to support Comrades Chess! Depending on what you have in mind and what resources you have available, here are some ways you can contribute:

Financial Support:

  • Become a patron: Comrades Chess has a Patreon page and other crowdfunding platforms,  you can consider setting up a recurring donation. This can provide us with a reliable source of income to cover expenses like equipment, tournament fees, or coaching.
  • Make a one-time donation: Even a small donation can make a difference. Through Comrades Chess has a website or social media page where they accept donations.
  • Sponsor a player or event: If you have the means, consider sponsoring some children players from the ghetto or an upcoming chess event organized by Comrades Chess. This can be a great way to show your support and get your name or organization out there.

Volunteer your time:

  • Coach or mentor: If you have chess expertise, offer to coach or mentor younger players in the Comrades Chess program. This can be a valuable way to share your knowledge and help develop the next generation of chess talent.
  • Help with events: Volunteer your time to help with tournaments, chess camps, or other events organized by Comrades Chess. This could involve tasks like setting up, registration, scorekeeping, or even providing refreshments.
  • Marketing and promotion: If you have marketing or communications skills, offer to help promote Comrades Chess and its activities. This could involve your social media content, writing press releases, or designing promotional materials.

Spread the word:

  • Talk to your friends and family: Let people know about Comrades Chess and encourage them to get involved. You can share their website or social media pages, or invite them to attend upcoming events.
  • Write a review or recommendation: If you've had a positive experience with Comrades Chess, take the time to write a review or recommendation on their website or social media pages. This can help attract new players and supporters.
  • Use social media: Follow Comrades Chess on social media and share their posts with your network. This is a great way to stay up-to-date on their activities and help spread the word to a wider audience.
Remember, any level of support is valuable! By giving your time, money, or even just your enthusiasm, you can help Comrades Chess continue its mission of promoting chess and empowering the community.

How can my child join chess tournaments?

  1. Introduce them to chess: If your child is new to chess, start with basic rules and fun activities like themed sets or simplified games. Consider our Comrades online and physical classes for local beginner classes.
  2. Build their confidence: Encourage your child to play against friends or family. Joining a chess club or participating in casual tournaments can help them build confidence and experience in a friendly environment.
  3. Choose beginner-friendly tournaments: Look for tournaments specifically for young players or with sections categorized by age and skill level. Many community centers or schools organize such events including Comrades Chess Academy.
  4. Support and guide them: Offer support and encouragement during practice and games. Help them analyze their moves and learn from mistakes. Avoid putting too much pressure, and make sure they enjoy the experience.
  5. Celebrate their progress: Recognize and celebrate their achievements, whether winning games or simply improving their chess skills. A positive and encouraging environment will keep them motivated and excited about chess.

Remember, the most important factor is fostering your or your child's love for chess. Let the tournament experience be a stepping stone in their chess journey, providing an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with other chess enthusiasts.
